Our School

Our vision at Norwood International High School is for every student to graduate as an engaged global citizen to meet the challenges of a changing world. This commitment is also underpinned by our embedded core values of Distinction, Diversity and Respect and our motto, Enriching Humanity, which inspires students to make a positive difference in our world.

Meet our Principal

I am delighted to welcome you to the Norwood International High School website.
Over the past two years Norwood International High School has undertaken a significant and exciting transformation. Not only have we co-located onto one site, introduced Year 7 students, expanded our internationalised curriculum and created stunning new learning spaces. We have even changed our name to reflect our new location and, most importantly, our global outlook and our commitment to international mindedness in all its forms.
Norwood International High School is truly enjoying a new beginning with a successful past and exciting future.

A place to Grow, Learn and Discover

Norwood International High School learning hub

Our Vision & Values

Explore Norwood International High School’s vision of empowering curious and compassionate global citizens and our core values of Curiosity, Community, Integrity and Diversity.

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Our Facilities

Discover the advanced facilities at Norwood International High School, a result of our significant $53.1 million investment in student learning and success.

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Our History

Journey through the storied past of Norwood International High School, from its inception in 1910 to its present-day acclaim as a hub of global and diverse education.

Our Staff

Introducing the Executive Team at Norwood International High School, committed to fostering a future-oriented, globally-engaged educational environment.

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Our Governing Council

Learn about the Governing Council of Norwood International High School, a team dedicated to strategic objectives and school excellence.

Norwood International High School

We are a vibrant, progressive learning community with 1700 students from diverse cultural backgrounds, located in the foothills of eastern Adelaide.